Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Year

The truck came to pick up the artworks today. We helped the drivers load the boxes into the back of the truck, and then while others sighed heavily with relief, I sighed once more with my sense of loss. But, as they say, 'Now we wait'. And what a long wait it will be!

In other news, today was the second last day of proper school and classes for me. Monday is the final day when we actually have classes, and then the rest of the week is formalities and assemblies, and the ever eagerly awaited 'muck up day'. I didn't realise how close I was to my HSC (Final-Final) exams. Just three more weeks and ... Ugh. I have to study!

For the muck up day, which the school re-named 'fun day', I was planning on dressing as Alex from A Clockwork Orange. My friends had agreed to come as his droogs, so we would be an awesome gang, all dressed up in white with our bowlers caps. But... then we all sort of decided that we wanted to come as other things, so I'm pretty sure I'll be dressing up as AFP/Amanda Palmer, which is mainly because I already have a black dress, striped stockings and boots. So it would be very easy for me to do, without very much effort, and still look pretty awesome. I'm even going to bring this toy piano-keyboard I have. It'll be grand.
One thing is for sure though, I don't plan on shaving off my brows... I might have to figure out some make-up skills here... And should I go to the goff stores and buy face powder? I've always assumed I didn't need it -- I'm pale as it is. (You'd need sunglasses to look at my skin, lest you want your eyes reflected out!)

Proper Life and Social-wise......
there has been a lot of changes. I don't really want to write too much about it, because I try not to in these blogs anyway -- I don't like my whine factor when I choose to write on the subject. But let's re-iterate, there have been changes. Are they good, Are they bad? Too soon to tell, I think.

as I've already said, my artwork for the HSC has been packaged (I had to 'make' a box, because the original one was too small), and sent away to be marked. I'm applying also for USYD (University of Sydney)/The College of The Arts, and have had to fill out an application form, as well as my preferences. I'll be sending that tomorrow, hopefully. And hopefully they'll want to interview me! Finally, I've been wanting a dip-ink pen for a long time, and have been thinking about getting one, but I always ended up getting side tracked. Until yesterday, when I found a website which stocks & sells stationary & writing equipment, like fountain pens and quills and ink and inkbottles... It's very nice and you can check it out here:
I've ordered a dip-ink pen wooden 'nib holder' (I am oh-so-much a fan of dark wood), and some drawing nibs (for reference: #513). They should be arriving by the end of next week, which co-incides with the end of my high school days, so it'll be a big thing! And great nostalgia.
For a while I'll just be using watercolours with it, until I save up my money again and can actually afford a decent priced & quality ink (india ink?!) and so forth. I am also planning to keep my eye out when op-shopping or ebay-searching for some nice bottles which I can use to store inks.

Still listening to Placebo and The Dresden Dolls a lot, until I get some new Albums. Currently in the Stereo is No, Virginia... by the former. It's lovely. Mouse & The Model is possibly one of my favourite DD's songs. Period.

Until Tomorrow...
(And tomorrow never comes)


Monday, September 7, 2009

Deliriums, Desires, Memories & Ghosts (Dreams Make No Promises)

... That is the title of my YR 12, Visual Arts BOW.
The one which I submitted yesterday, all complete and finished, and with a wave of relief, but also with a sense of loss.

I've realised over the past two years that I am like that. If I work on a piece for so long, I get really extraordinarily attached, and when it comes time to sumbitting it, or giving it away, I feel very isolated and like part of me has been taken away. It actually is like that, I guess. After all, an artists work is just a side of themselves expressed in a form of media.

Speaking more precisely about the work, I did manage to borrow my sister's camera and take it to school to get some shots of the painting. This is a picture of the overall work:

Then I took some 'detail' shots of specific parts of the painting. This is a close up of the left side.

This is a close up of the upper right.

... and this is a close up of the lower right.

There are actually a lot of little details which can't really be seen in the photos, but you know, I can only do so much with a blurry camera lens and a 15 minute lunch break.

I also took a photo of the front cover of the story book (Deliriums, Desires, Memories & Ghosts/DDMG) but I didn't have time to scan in all of the book, let alone take photos of each page. (This fact kind of upsets me, because it means you wont be able to read the story which goes with the painting, until I get the book back, which will, I assume, take forever). Here is the photo of the front cover.

In other happenings, I finally bought the other half of my dress for my formal at the end of this year. I know I don't usually talk about this kind of girl stuff here, but I am because I was mucking around with the blurry camera, and took a self timer shot of myself wearing the corset. I liked it, and others seem to like it too, so I am being a self promotional blogger, and putting it in here.

I also like this photo, because it is recent and I look like me, as opposed to my other favourite photo featuring the 'pink haired boy-girl' me, and cat, Vespadee.

Lately I have really been digging all these 90's type tunes. You know the ones. They have that teen angst dirty guitars type feel. (I know people will assume I'm talking Nirvana here, but I'm actually not... I don't really know many of their songs, but I'm not really "wow'd" by the ones I do.) I was looking through all of my albums the other day to find something for the stereo, which I use when I'm in my bedroom, to paint or draw or think things over. It is actually a very important decision for me because a lot of the time I can't be bothered changing the stereo/cd player often. What I'm getting to is that I hadn't listened to Placebo's self titled Placebo for a long long long time, which I'm putting down to having been listening to their more... lowkey (i think?) softer sounding stuff.

I really really like it. I mean, I remember why I liked them so much in the first place again. It's made me want to see them even more.
