Monday, January 11, 2010

Shyness is nice...

Blerg... It seems like a while since I've written any blogs, even though quite a bit has happened since my last one. I'm putting it down to my family being on holidays and everyone being antisocial and wanting to be on the computer. I rarely get a look into it anymore, so I've been doing more productive things, like reading and making dolls and stuff.


First thing's first, I've been offered a place at Sydney College of the Arts! I'm late in posting it here, but when I found out, I put it out there all over the internet. So if you didn't know already, now you do. I'm really excited about it because SCA was my first choice for Universities, mainly because I agree with their application process. Unlike most of the other Art based Uni's, SCA didn't base your entry upon Final/HSC exam scores, but rather on an actual portfolio and an interview. This pleased me, because while I'm not very good at exams and stuff, I'd like to think I'm quite good at what I do artistically.
I still have to enrol properly, but I do that at the end of the month, and then I can actually say I'm a SCA student! However, because I've had something crazy like 3 months off since finishing my HSC and High School, I'm not looking forward that much to starting classes in March. Purely because I'm lazy and have gotten very very used to waking up late. (And after 13 years of waking up uber early for school, why wouldn't I prefer sleeping in til 10?)


Yesterday I went with my family to see an 80's exhibition at the PowerHouse Museum. It was kind of more focused on 80's fashion, and music and videogames -- I suppose more "pop culture" things that would be nostalgic for older generations (like my Ma and Da?) and would interest most teenagers of today.

They had nintendo entertainment systems and the really old "gameboy brick" (as my sister, Siobhan calls it, and which we used to own in green, until it mysteriously disappeared) and you were able to play some of the games because they had them set up, but mostly you couldn't get a turn because there was always crowds of young children hogging them. Siobhan and I did get a turn on one of them, and Siobhan totally owned all of the little kids at it, which showed them a thing or two about old videogames, and how easy today's ones seem to have gotten.

Fashionwise, they had all these mannequin's set up displaying the kind of 'scenes' or stereotypes, and with some of them they had little screens with footage in set up, so people who used to call themselves one of whatever 'scene' would talk about it. When we got to the "Goth" one, my Ma said that it sounded like me, and I was all "Noooooo". Because while I like music that gets called Goth now, I really don't consider myself one. (Though, if it had to come between getting called an Emo or a Goth, I would much prefer Goth/Goff)

Before we actually went there I was a little unsure about it. I think because today it seems like if you say you're 80's inspired, its more of a hip trend, and I kind of think that its gotten a bit over-rated. I mean, I like quite a lot of things from the 80's, but it annoys me how every musician now seems to be trying to emulate or copy the look and sound of that decade. It used to not bother me as much, because even when they were trying to be like that, they were still different and had their own 'thing', their own special something. Now almost every band, regardless of what genre it is, seems to sound the same. I mean, there's some obvious ones which when you listen to the radio, you can tell straight away that it's them. Like Muse or Franz Ferdinand etc. And that's not just because I like them. I actually think I like them because I can tell them apart from the 80's psuedo crush. It's also really annoying me now that whenever I put on Rage or any other music video show, they're all playing modern bands, but those bands have made their video clips look like old 80's clips. I mean, on purpose. It's not cool, guys!

Anyway, enough of that rant. Maybe I'll write a blog some other time on the follies of modern music and musicians.


The last thing I have to say right now (because I've lost my train of thought) is that I'm currently working on a new doll. It's going to be The Headless Boy, and I've already sculpted and fired him, and even made some of his clothing, but I just need to string him properly. I'm hoping to use wire instead of string, even though right now I've just got him done up with thick cotton string. I've tried out a different type of join for his elbows and knees, and made him slightly more 'ball jointed' than all my other dolls.
