Monday, August 17, 2009

Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh

Bonjour tout le monde! Bee ici! J'ai mon examen de Francais au jour'dhui!

And I'm not keeping that up for the rest of the entry.
I had my second last exam for Trials today, with my Visual Arts exam being the final on Thursday. I didn't study for it, and you know that kind of makes me a bad kid, but I actually think I went OK. At least I wrote a letter/message/email thing this time. And yay, because I wasn't ill this time around either. That's very surprising because usually I am always sick with some disgusting virusy cold whenever I have exams.

This isn't going to be a very long entry today, I don't think, because not very much has happened since the last one.

Except, I noticed that my hair is very very much longer than I had thought. I didn't put it up today. Usually I wash it in the morning, and put it up in bobby pins, so it's really short and stuff, but I didn't today, and it's really long at the back. Not interesting for most, but it is for me. I NEVER have hair this long (well, since the first time I got it cut), because it always ends up irking me, and I go "ARRRGH" and get it cut so I look like a twelve year old boy. I think I'll leave it for now. Even though it's wrong and I totally don't feel like me now.

Tomorrow I have a day off, with no exams, and I think I might draw some stuff. Peter, mostly. I- I bought anew sketch-book, seeing as my green book, Bruno (nothing to do with the film. it was a bad co-incidence) is all filled up now. My new book is named Luci, after my devil-boy, Lucifer Stan. It's purple and all blank and awkward, how sketchbooks always are after being filled up with drawings and stuff.

Anyway, I lost my train of thought.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

And the secret door

Today was freaking awesome. Seriously. Who knew that a number of seemingly small events of seemingly small significance could improve a mood so much? (Well, a lot of people know that... I think)...

Anyway, I went with my sister to see Coraline today. I have been waiting for so long to see it, because I really really really wanted to see it in 3D and in the cinemas, as opposed to a number of my friends who did the bad thing and totally watched it over the net. And well, I couldn't see it straight away. I've been on exams and stuff. I still technically am on exams, but I have a long weekend before I go back to them.

Getting back to the point.
It was really good. Really. That could just be my total love for the character design, or my fancy for stop motion animation... But seriously, I loved it. (That, and the cat actually acted like a cat... My sister and I kept snickering when ever he was on, because he was so much like our kitties).
The only bad thing was that there were a bunch of really inconsiderate kids sitting behind us, kicking seats and talking. But, I held my tongue. After all, there were some other, very much considerate kiddies and their parents there too. If you haven't gone to see it yet, go see it. Or if you don't like going to see movies on recommendation, go see it because you like blue hair. Go see it because you like the work Henry Selick does. Go see it because your name often gets pronounced wrong. Just see it.

Next seemingly small event that made me feel good was going shopping after seeing the movie, and finding a hand-bag/shoulder-bag/doctors bag thing which I've been looking for for a long time. A very very very long time. And when I saw it, it made me happy. So I bought it. And now I very lamely am looking forward to using it. It was from buying this bag, and transfering the contents of my old bag into it, that I stumbled upon my otherwise neglected mobile phone, and realised I had a text message waiting for me. It is from this that the next event started.

I got a text from my friend which read the following:

Do you have ABC2?
The Cure live in Berlin.

If I had grass flooring in my house, the knees of my jeans would be smeared all over with dirt and green. I don't know. I honestly hadn't listened to anything Cure for a while now. I'd sort of just subconcsiously change the songs to Dresden Dolls/AFP songs, or those of Placebo, because thats the sort of music my current work for my visual arts BOW/class kinda calls for. So when I skidded to the tele to turn it on, realised the tele I had indeed, turned on, did not have a set top box which worked properly, thusly ran -- almost fell -- down the stairs to turn the other tele on, I realised how much I actually did miss their songs. (Proof, I'm listening to my "The Cure" playlist now -- the one which I ripped all their albums to).
And I fangirled. I haven't fangirled anything for EVER.
And... I'm starting to feel normal again. My kind of normal.

(Here's the angst part of the journal now)
Since my Trial exams for the HSC, I had this weird feeling of impending something. Very dramatic, yes. Its a weird feeling to explain, because I'm not actually sure how to explain it. I felt like something was going to happen, but I had no idea what, and it made me feel very uneasy. I've had the feeling before, but this time I'm putting it down to a bout of stress for what my results would be after I finished the exams.

It seems to be ok now, though.

and it feels like summer.
