Monday, August 17, 2009

Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh

Bonjour tout le monde! Bee ici! J'ai mon examen de Francais au jour'dhui!

And I'm not keeping that up for the rest of the entry.
I had my second last exam for Trials today, with my Visual Arts exam being the final on Thursday. I didn't study for it, and you know that kind of makes me a bad kid, but I actually think I went OK. At least I wrote a letter/message/email thing this time. And yay, because I wasn't ill this time around either. That's very surprising because usually I am always sick with some disgusting virusy cold whenever I have exams.

This isn't going to be a very long entry today, I don't think, because not very much has happened since the last one.

Except, I noticed that my hair is very very much longer than I had thought. I didn't put it up today. Usually I wash it in the morning, and put it up in bobby pins, so it's really short and stuff, but I didn't today, and it's really long at the back. Not interesting for most, but it is for me. I NEVER have hair this long (well, since the first time I got it cut), because it always ends up irking me, and I go "ARRRGH" and get it cut so I look like a twelve year old boy. I think I'll leave it for now. Even though it's wrong and I totally don't feel like me now.

Tomorrow I have a day off, with no exams, and I think I might draw some stuff. Peter, mostly. I- I bought anew sketch-book, seeing as my green book, Bruno (nothing to do with the film. it was a bad co-incidence) is all filled up now. My new book is named Luci, after my devil-boy, Lucifer Stan. It's purple and all blank and awkward, how sketchbooks always are after being filled up with drawings and stuff.

Anyway, I lost my train of thought.



  1. There was Bruno the bear but now everyone just knows Bruno as the outrageous guy from the movie. Terrible. I miss the bear.

  2. Bruno the bear? I've never heard of him before... assuming of course that it is a him, and not a gender ambigious bear.

    I haven't seen the film, so I can't really comment. But it upsets me that people read it's name and automatically assume that I named it that because of the character.
    I actually named it that after a cat on a tv commercial with the same name.
