Thursday, February 26, 2009

AFP in full.

I was actually quite tired after the concert, but as usual I had lied to myself, and tricked myself into thinking that I was not. By the end of the day after the show, let's just say, I did not write as I said I would. I think that is evident.

The concert was brilliant. I had no idea that my mother (who had purchased the tickets for my sister and I), had received a call back from the ticket sellers, telling her that they had changed the configuration of the seating, and that better seating was available. (For those who do not know me, and have not had me explain this to them before, my original tickets were "restricted view", and I was not guarenteed to see very well.) Anyway, when we were directed to our table, I was shocked, and very giddy to realise that we would be sitting quite literally less than two metres away from Amanda Palmer herself.

It was wonderful. Up until this point, my favourite concert out of all that I had been to had remained my very first concert, The Cure, in 2007. AFP's show gave it quite the run for it's money. It was loverly and theatrical and very energetic, and I loved all of it. Amanda seems to be a very sweet person in, well, person. I am kind of upset that I didn't get to meet her after the show, as I had to go home, for I had an exam the next day. Most of my dear favourites were played (Ampersand, Blake Says, Leeds United), as well as some of my favourite Dresden Doll songs (Coin-Operated Boy and Girl Anachronism. Go figure.)

I am very glad to have had the chance to see her in concert -- even if I didn't get to meet her. (I would have been sort of upset... I would like to have drawn her a picture, or painted something, despite both options seeming rather obsessive. I like to 'give back', or I feel as though I've ripped them off some how.)

I had a loverly, loverly time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I went to see Amanda Palmer in concert last night, at the Sydney Opera house. It was a very very very good show, and I'm going to write more about it later today. I will write to you of suprises and good humor and some really wonderful boots.

Until then.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dead Souls, a symbolic shedding.

Good evening every one.
Tonight I am writing to inform those who have stumbled onto this blogspace, or alternately, Dead Souls (the site) that this is indeed the 'new' site of mine. It will be replacing Candy.Bracelet in most aspects. I will not be updating further on my former site. However, that is not to say that I will be removing the content from it either. It will continue to exist, and all of the artworks and content that are currently occupying it's space will remain too, until the links break or the images are removed from their host server.

Dead Souls is to be my new focus. I will probably not update it as much as I did with C.B (disregarding the past few MONTHS. I am aware that it has not been updated lately, and it is for that reason that this is occuring.) I have named the site after the english band, Joy Division. Rather, one of their songs. I think that it reflects where I, myself, am currently 'at'. So to speak. I realised that I have been increasingly growing out of most of the people, or 'characters' that I used to draw. I have started drawing new people. New 'characters'. People and characters who have told me they are fans of Joy Division. (It must seem strange or perhaps pretentious to people that the people I draw all seem to like the same music as me. I certainly hope not to sound discriminatory).

I created this blog to keep track of some thoughts and ideas that I may have. I will try to write on this at least 2 or 3 times each week. (At the least?). Writing in this may also help me to update the website.

Thank you, and Good Night.
