Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh oh oh

Hello again everyone! I am still alive (stop sighing!)

Things have been... stressy. But not as much lately. I have finished a number of assessments and received my marks. The most noteworthy are that of English (in which I had to write a speech, and thusly, convinced myself that I had stuttered too much, and therefore 'failed') and Visual Arts (in which I really didn't have to do anything, other than give in my books for progress marking and such). Both went quite well. I was especially surprised when my English teacher told me that I got the highest mark in our class. It made me feel good about myself, seeing as earlier I had spilt black/grey paint all over my Yr 12 jersey.

I watched The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari last week, and I have really fallen in love with Cesare, the sleepwalker. Don't worry, it's not in the whole teeny-'twilight' way, just that I've been going around on the internet calling myself the sleepwalker, and upon watching the film, finding out that Cesare is (or was) a sleepwalker too. (Just for the record, and those who are curious, I don't actually 'sleepwalk', in the normal sense. When I say it, I am generally referring to sleeping and dreaming... yeah. LAME OF ME, I KNOW.)
But, I totally dig him as a character. I think it's kind of attractive and intriguing. in a melancholy way, that he can only wake when Caligari tells him to & all that other stuff to do with... stuff... I really recommend this film, so I wont go into all of the story and that, just incase anyone wants to watch it or hasn't seen it.
I EVEN DREW FAN ART, BUT THATS NOT FOR HERE. I'm sure, I'll have it up within the next few days.

Speaking of dreams and all that, I've been having some real tripped out ones, mostly where I am me, but not really me, and I am being 'chased' (or kinda, followed?) by people and creatures and monsters. I decided to use them as a basis for the storybook part of my art major, SO TAKE THAT TRIPPY DREAMS. (But seriously, why do they villians of my dreams always try to eat me?)

But now I am tired, so I think I might go to sleep, or maybe pester my sister into watching Mirrormask (Gaiman/Mckean) because she borrowed it from her friend and showed me the other day, resulting in a reaction of mine which was somewhat like this.

Nighty Night, and Sweet Dreams!


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