Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dapper, quite.

Weeks and weeks after the HSC exams are finished, it is just now that I can finally relax. After stressing an awful extensive amount, I finished my portfolio, and attended my SCA interview, and now I am eagerly awaiting a number of possible get togethers with friends and a Green Day concert this upcoming Friday. (I'll just point it out right now, that if my grammar or phrasing seem sloppy or poorly thought out, it's because I'm in 'French-brain' right now, thanks to a bunch of songs and their lyrics, and also because I haven't actually been able to sit and read in a while --- another reason for my lack of updates on here)

First up, the Interview. It wasn't a bad as I had thought it would be. Just like with my HSC french speaking exam, I managed to get myself in such a state of nerves, that even if I moved a little, I'd feel overwhelmingly nauseous. The only remedy to this was an enormous amount of water. But strangely, when my name was called, all the nerves seemed to disappear, and were replaced with what I swear must have been some alternate side or personality of mine. It was like the cheerful face my sister changes into when she is in similar positions. I'd think of it in such a way that I am the meek, pasty and socially awkward side, who wears sweaters and glasses and keeps to a fantasy world within her sketchbooks, and the other is the one who wears their hair all stood up, and in outlandish clothing and big boots. Which is actually based on how much more... outspoken and such that I feel when I do wear what I call me "AFP" boots (which really don't look anything like hers, except that they come up to just under the knee).
ANYWAY, the interviewers were far less scary than I had initially thought. They were actually quite dapper and nice, and actually offered me water. And they smiled. Smiling is very good, because it reassures my angst-side, even if it was insincere.

I don't find out if I'm in until January 5th, so it's definately going to be in the back of my mind until then.


On the interview day, while in Rozelle, my Ma and I went into a bunch of the trendy 'recycled' clothing stores, and for once I actually found some NICE dresses that fit me! Usually everything is WAY too big, which I put down to people thinking that vintage or 'used' is trendy and hip. In a way, it is, because so many people are doing it now, but I like finding things in Op-shops and Thrift stores because of the way a lot of the older clothing is made, and the cuts are much more flattering for me. APPARENTLY, the 'tunic' look is ALL thats 'in' in modern fashion, and that just makes me look like I'm a lady-boy in a dress. Seriously. The two dresses I bought are fitted, and you can actually tell I'm a girl~

My Ma was looking through the records and vinyls they had, and she showed me one because it was called "The Paris I Love", knowing that I am in love with Frenchie stuff. (How I miss my French class at school!) I wasn't going to buy it, but then I noticed it had La Vie en Rose on it, which is pretty much my favourite song right now, so I bought it, and I've been playing it over and over, annoying everyone.


I'm going to see Green Day with my sister this Friday, and I am quite excited about it. Except, I'm also kind of scared and nervous because we're in the standing zone and I'm pretty sure that because a lot of Green Day fans like to mosh, and because it's all ages, we're going to get crushed, and bruised up something bad.




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