Saturday, October 24, 2009

I've been wasting all my time with the Devil in the detail

Lately I feel as though I've become so lazy. I swear, today I did not do a productive thing. First, I ate, then computed, then played videogames for several hours (without realising), then watched a couple of episodes of Scrubs, and then I slept for another few hours. I really do feel like a sloth.

I've been using the "you've just had three exams and you're next one is not until thursday next week, you can afford to sloth-out", but I think that I could at least be doing more productive things. This blog is not very productive, but I feel it is something. At least I'm letting people who read it, and kind of care, know what has been happening in the life of b. willoughby.

As I said, I've just finished 3 exams of my HSC (out of 6 -- and not including the French speaking exam). They weren't overly hard, but some of the ways the questions were worded were... surprising, to say the least, and I've never really been that good at thinking of 'introductions' for these kinds of things. My next exam is French Comprehension & Listening, which shouldn't be too hard, because those two aspects were always my strong points at the language. So blahh. I will, probably after tomorrow, have to start studying for it again.
In other news, I got a haircut, and now as I keep saying, "I am a boy again!", which you should know is an inside joke between me and some other people, but whatever. I TOTALLY HAVE A PETER NICCALS COMPLEX RIGHT NOW.
And now because I am slothing-out again, here is some eye candy.

Peter Niccals and Headless.


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