Monday, April 27, 2009

A long abscence

It must seem as though I had forgotten DS.
It must seem as though I had stopped drawing.
It must seem as though I had lied about starting a web comic.

Two out of three are incorrect. The other is postponed, I think.
I haven't forgotten about Dead Souls. I have been checking back here, almost every couple of days, thinking to myself that I should write something. Check in and say hello. But every time I was over come with procrastination. This is usual for me.

Procrastination-prone, yes. But even with so, I have still been drawing. I have been filling Bruno (aka. My most recent 'new' sketchbook) up with many character sheet styled drawings, and many seemingly random lyrical inspired pieces. And then some which are just really quite odd.
I am planning on watercolouring them all, so that is probably why such a long amount of time has passed without anything being posted.

And now... the web comic. I haven't forgotten what I said in earlier blogs. I still want to write it. I still want to draw it. Actually, it's more like, I still want to draw it, I still would like to write it, but I can't be bothered doing either. Well, I can't be bothered writing script, and then, without script you can't really draw much can you? So that is a lot of procrastination. I have written some of the script - the prelude and the beginning of chapter one, but I am seriously considering re-writing it. It rushes. Very much.

But alas, I have word of a new and different comic. My sister , Siobhan (aka. Von), and I have been talking for what seems like months and months and months about writing/drawing a web comic together. It wasn't until quite recently that my sister re-found (as in, she had seen it last year in early may when we went to Mr. Neil Gaiman's book signing in Kinokuniya, SYD) this little book filled with lovely cute comic strips, called Delayed Replays, by Liz Prince. We realised that a) someone was basically living our life, or a life VERY similar to ours, and b) we could do this too.
We could write comics about the silly things that happen to us. We have done. We currently have five or so. And we will be putting them up on the internet very soon. (Well, as soon as Von makes the website all spiffy and nice...) Then you can read them and think we're weird, but then also show all of your friends, parents and even your cats.

I look forward to it!


EDIT: I almost forgot to mention, (and I can't understand how I forgot!) I drew and painted a page for a book in January of this year. A book that was thought up by a bunch of fangirly (but cool) fans of The Cure. It was a thank-you-and-happy-cure-anniversary book. It was planned that everyone/anyone could draw, write, paint or whatever a page for the book, write words of praise and thanks and congratulations to the band, and send it in to be put into the book. This was then to be given to the band at one of their concerts. It was. I am very excited about this.
And thank you to everyone who made a page, especially those who I convinced or told about it!

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