Monday, March 23, 2009


It turns out that I am suffering from a throat infection. I have lost my voice, my words... when I do speak, all that sounds is a raspy horrid thing. Every time I swallow, it is like a million tiny clawed fingers ripping and gouging at my oesophagus. I went to the doctor, and now am taking a course of antibiotics to help fight the infection. This is much fun to have while I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, and being a hard worker. All I feel like doing is sleeping, because when I sleep, there are no clawed fingers, and no raspy strangled whispers. Just blackness.

One good thing that has come out of it is an idea for a new drawing and/or painting. There are also two more unrelated ideas. I really hope that I don't end up scrapping them.

Oh, also, did anyone notice the much descriptive language? I had my English exam today.


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