Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Updates and Infections


I was planning on making some updates here, and on Dead Souls yesterday evening. My computer crashed. Well, crashed in the sense that it deleted all of my files -- everything was gone. As if it had never been created, and never existed on this computer. So, I had to do a System Restore, and many many virus scans, and found that the pesky intruder was hiding in some fictional corner of my hard drive. I deleted them. They should not be coming back.

I did not, however, manage to update yesterday. So, I am planning on doing so today. The first thing of note, is that Dead Souls has a new title screen. The headless boy, and his balloon. This was actually done a few days ago, but I never got around to formally announcing it.

I heard the new Placebo single, Battle For The Sun, on the radio last night, and didn't know what to make of it when I first heard it. I generally base my liking for a song on whether I learn the lyrics immediately, or if I find myself a day later humming along to the tune in my head.

... I did not learn the lyrics immediately...

I did, however, find myself singing it this morning as I woke up.

I am looking forward to the new album.



  1. Just wanted to say "Hi" and that I really do like your website - I think your style is so unique. (Must admit to slight jealousy on my part.)

    So hi.... and I have a new blog for DTH if you want to check for updates lol!

    (Not that there are any as of such.)

  2. Why thankies ^^

    I am advertising currently on and beachofstone but if you'd like to generate interest I would much appreciate it.

    Even if I think DTH is turning out rather childishly atm.:S

  3. I'll make some threads about it on TC Forums, because I'll always try to support people doing stuff like this.

    I'm not sure what you mean by childish, though it's not always a bad thing. (At the moment, I'm sitting here typing this while wearing a pink Hello Kitty watch which I stole from my sisters McDonalds happy meal...)

    You probably have already done this, but if you think it's turning out 'too childish', then you could always go on and check out some of the old fanzines they have scanned in on there for some ideas.
